Sunday, December 14, 2014

Plea for Information!

                                                         Kyle Brennan

                                           April 2, 1986-February 16, 2007

Since the suspicious death of my twenty-year-old son Kyle on February 16, 2007, I’ve been trying to discover what really happened that evening. Kyle passed away in the apartment of his Scientologist father, Tom Brennan, in Clearwater, Florida, site of the headquarters of the Church of Scientology. The Clearwater police claimed Kyle’s death was a suicide. All of the actual evidence, however—or rather the conspicuous lack of evidence—leads to another conclusion. What evidence was lacking? My son’s fingerprints weren’t on the weapon. In fact, there were no fingerprints on the weapon. Kyle’s hands were tested for gunshot residue—a GSR test—but the lead investigator blocked the test from being processed. Additionally, the bullet that ended my son’s life was never found. Without fingerprints on the weapon, without the GSR test results, and without the bullet, it’s impossible to know for certain who pulled the trigger. Without that evidence it’s also impossible to say that the weapon found at the crime scene was the actual weapon used.

The investigation into Kyle’s death conducted by Detective Stephen Bohling was riddled with conflicts of interest and mishandled police procedures. Bohling’s subsequent police report is full of half-truths and outright lies. Facts critical to the case were omitted.

In 2012 I had an expert criminologist analyze Detective Bohling’s work, how the investigation was conducted and the conclusions that can be drawn from his police report. He concluded that Bohling’s investigation was a farce. He noted that, because of Bohling’s seemingly purposeful mishandling of the case, and the myriad sophomoric lies told by the defendants—obvious lies that were unquestioned, unpursued by the police—“it is evident that there is a connection between the Church of Scientology and the Clearwater Police Department.”

The Clearwater Police Department’s investigation into my son’s death was a travesty of justice. Of that there is no question.

Also indisputable is the criminality of Tom Brennan and two of the other defendants: Gerald Gentile and Denise Miscavige Gentile (the twin sister of the Church of Scientology’s leader, David Miscavige). These three miscreants lied to police officials, gave incorrect and false information, tampered with evidence, and committed perjury.

Irrefutable documentation regarding the mishandling of the case and the criminal actions of the defendants has been submitted to the FBI, the Department of Justice, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (the FDLE), and the head of Florida Governor Rick Scott’s legal department, Susan Smith.

My son Kyle deserves to have his day in court. To this day, the combined efforts of the Church of Scientology and the Clearwater Police Department have succeeded in silencing anyone speaking up on his behalf. Every day that passes, my heart breaks anew over my son’s sad fate, and especially the shabby treatment he received at the hands of those sworn to “serve and protect.” There needs to be accountability for those who believe they’re above the rule of law.

It is my hope that someone with new information pertaining to the events of February 16, 2007, will step forward. If someone has information—no matter how trivial—pertaining to Kyle or the above defendants, please contact me. What you know could make a huge difference.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Scientology Suspicious Deaths;Documentary Film by Markus Thoess

Filmmaker Markus Thoess has recently released the trailer for his upcoming documentary about Scientology and related suspicious death cases. The film focuses on medical negligence, resulting death and the subpar police investigations that follow. Thoes's steadfast dedication to uncovering the truth surrounding Kyle's suspicious death, and exposing the Church of Scientology's unethical, criminal, and potentially deadly medical practices is truly admirable.

When a child dies violently, unexpectedly, the impact on the family is completely devastating. It's a heartbreak like no other. Anguish and despair become your close companions. After losing my son Kyle, I felt--along with my overwhelming grief--a powerful urgency to make sense of the senseless, to understand how the tragedy in Clearwater, Florida, had unfolded. That urgency--that need--has not subsided.
It's of vital importance that the public, and state and federal lawmakers, are educated regarding Scientology's dangerous alternative medical practices. Unfortunately, this regressive belief system, under the guise of religion, places its trusting adherents at risk of injury or even death.

It is my hope that this documentary and the stories told can serve as a warning to those involved with this dangerous organization and to educate the public. It was a privilege working with Markus Thoess.

 Victoria L. Britton

"Endstation Scientology;Mysterious Fatalities"

Kyle Brennan Visiting Bamberg, Germany

Kyle Brennan-April 2, 1986-February 16, 2007

In 2007 my forward-looking 20-year-old son, Kyle Brennan, died in Clearwater, Florida, under extremely suspicious circumstances while visiting his Scientologist father. (Clearwater, of course, is the site of Scientology’s headquarters.) We lost the subsequent wrongful-death lawsuit we filed against Kyle’s father, prominent Scientologists who were involved, and the Church of Scientology itself. Because of the legal expenses incurred, we’ve yet to purchase a proper headstone for our beloved son. Will you help us?

Donate Button

Saturday, August 16, 2014

The Clearwater Police Report; Lies of Omission

Kyle Brennan
The simple truth about lies is that there are many different types. Some, such as bold-faced lies, are so outrageous that they’re obvious to all within earshot. Another category comprises lies that are not so obvious—they lie hidden among the reams of information we ingest daily. But though these lies are obscured from sight, they’re no less pernicious. These are lies of omission—lies that represent an intentional failure to “tell the whole truth” in a situation requiring complete disclosure. Lying by omission is particularly destructive, of course, in legal and criminal matters.

Are the members of the Clearwater, Florida, Police Department guilty of lying by omission? You be the judge.

Clearwater policeman Jonathan Yuen was one of the first officers on the scene the night my son Kyle died under very suspicious circumstances at the apartment of his biological father, Tom Brennan, on Friday, February 16, 2007. At the time, Officer Yuen had been with the department only eighteen months. He’d been hired right out of college. Despite this fact, however—and despite the fact that higher-ranking officers were present at the time—Yuen was placed in charge of the crime scene.
Normally, one would expect a rookie cop to follow police procedures by the manual. One would expect a young officer to try really hard, to be attentive to every last detail. In reading other Clearwater Police Reports, for example, you’ll find an amazing amount of detail. Crime scene details are extremely important. Even the tiniest bit of information, of course, can be the determining factor in a criminal investigation. People have been convicted because of tiny details. And, of course, people have walked away from criminal acts because of the lack of a tiny detail.

In the Clearwater Police Report regarding my son’s death, Officer Yuen’s one-page narrative of the events of February 16/17 is remarkable for its inattention to detail. Later, when Yuen was deposed by attorney Ken Dandar—the lawyer representing the Estate of Kyle Brennan—his brain fog surrounding the details of that evening is incredibly suspicious.

First the big lie of omission. In his contribution to the Clearwater Police Report, Yuen omitted the fact that present at Tom Brennan’s Cleveland Street apartment the evening of Kyle’s death were two important members of Scientology’s first family—the twin-sister and brother-in-law of the church’s worldwide leader, David Miscavige.

Denise Miscavige Gentile, David Miscavige’s twin-sister—whom Tom Brennan referred to as “Chaplain Denise”—was Brennan’s Scientology auditor, his spiritual advisor or spiritual counsellor. Her husband’s name is Gerald “Jerry” Gentile. In spite of the fact that they both at first lied about Denise being at the Cleveland Street apartment that night, during their depositions Denise and Jerry finally admitted that they were both there. Jerry Gentile stated that Denise waited outside near their parked vehicle. Denise claimed she didn’t go inside because she was wearing pajamas.
Amazingly, Yuen left them completely out of his narrative. When questioned later, under oath, about people arriving at the crime scene, Yuen responded: “I believe I advised a couple of people showed up.”

“What did they do?” asked attorney Dandar.

“Basically spoke with Thomas [Brennan] and gave him some counselling or, you know, support.”

In the first few months following my son’s death, it was believed that Gerald Gentile was Tom Brennan’s roommate at the Cleveland Street apartment. This was assumed as it seemed the logical explanation for Jerry Gentile’s early presence at Brennan’s place the night Kyle died.

 Information pertaining to Gentile’s early appearance at the Cleveland Street apartment was omitted from the police report. No information regarding Jerry, in fact, was provided by the Clearwater Police Department, either in the police report or in the first phone interview Kyle’s Virginia family had with Detective Stephen Bohling (who took over the case on Saturday, February17). Kyle’s older brother—wondering who the elusive “Jerry” was who called our home to tell us of Kyle’s death—asked Bohling about him. (Some of our questions, naturally, were things like: Why didn’t Tom Brennan call us? Why didn’t the police make this important call?) Bohling’s response to the question about Jerry’s identity? “Some Scientology guy.”
Denise Miscavige Gentile was simply referred to as “Chaplain Denise.”

Why were these two members of the Clearwater Police Department—Officer Jonathan Yuen and Detective Stephen Bohling—not forthcoming or truthful about the presence of the Gentiles at the Cleveland Street apartment that night?

Why would they not identify these high-powered Scientologists? Were these members of the police department deliberately lying by omission in order to protect two individuals with extremely close ties to the very top leadership of the Scientology organization?

Attorney Ken Dandar deposed Officer Yuen on June, 11, 2010. Yuen’s deposition lasted just over one hour.

Officer Yuen stated during his deposition that he left the crime scene in the early morning hours of February 17, and had no further involvement in the investigation.

Then he was asked: “Did you ever discuss the matter with Detective Bohling? Did he ever contact you?”

“No” responded Yuen.

(It’s important to note here that Detective Bohling never visited the crime scene. Never. So, in other words, Officer Yuen was in charge at the Cleveland Street apartment the night Kyle died—even though other officers present outranked him—and wrote the narrative of that night’s events. He then simply handed that in, and never again spoke of the matter with the police detective who took over the case. And that man—Detective Stephen Bohling—never went to the Cleveland Street apartment. Why the disconnect between Yuen and Detective Bohling? Was it done this way in order to insure Bohling’s future plausible deniability?)
During Officer Yuen’s brief deposition, he responded 28 times with either “I don’t recall” or “I don’t remember.” And it’s interesting that Officer Yuen’s memory deficit only occurred when he was questioned regarding fellow police officers, medical investigator Martha J. Scholl, or the presence of that mysterious “couple” who arrived at the crime scene during his “short-short” interview of Tom Brennan.

And amazingly, Yuen destroyed the notes he took during that interview.
Ken Dander asked him: “Did you take notes during the interview [of Tom Brennan]?”

“Yes, I did” responded Yuen.

“What do you take the notes on?” was the next question.

“I have a note pad that normally I document all my cases on,” was the answer.

“Do you save those?”
“No, I do not.”

Unfortunately, Officer Yuen, a college graduate, doesn’t really understand what the verb tense “to document” means.

What about these two members of Scientology’s first family—Denise Miscavige Gentile and her husband Jerry?

According to a Tampa Bay Times article written in the summer of 2013, the couple married in 2000. They lived in Maryland for two years, then moved back to Clearwater “where Flag Land Base, Scientology’s spiritual headquarters, dominates the downtown skyline.” It was then that Jerry joined the church. Denise at the time was working at a small Scientology mission in Bellair. He continued working his Maryland technology job, commuting back and forth every week.

That tech position, however, wasn’t Jerry and Denise’s only source of income. A police investigation revealed that Jerry Gentile was the owner of a notorious drug-selling establishment—or “drug house”—located in St. Petersburg, Florida. It comprised a house on 15th Street North, and three detached apartments next door in a duplex and a separate cottage.

According to the article, “drug sales at the Gentile property got so bad police raided it twice in 14 months, busting up a marijuana den and what police called a cocaine sales operation.” Following the first raid, the city contacted the Gentiles asking them to “curb the drug activity.” Nothing changed. In fact, it appears the Gentiles had good reason not to improve the situation at their St. Petersburg pot house.
According to tenants, it was Denise who’d stop by monthly for the rent or for money to cover the water, sewer, and trash bills. If cash wasn’t readily available—according to former tenant Roreco “Rico” Currie—Denise was happy to accept marijuana “blunts” instead. (Blunts are small cigars converted into fairly large marijuana cigarettes.) Currie, during this period, was distributing marijuana from the Gentile property. Denise had discovered this illicit activity but had decided to let Currie remain.
If that wasn’t enough, Currie eventually converted the cottage into an impromptu strip-club. Exotic dancers performed routines as onlookers tossed money onto the dingy floors. Admission was $10, more after midnight. Currie proudly claimed this business was “by appointment only.”

He was arrested in October 2012 on several charges. He pleaded guilty and is currently serving a 38-month sentence. Denise Miscavige Gentile pleaded not guilty to the charges related to the activities at the Gentiles’ 15th Street North property. She denies receiving drugs in lieu of rent or bills.

The Tampa Bay Times piece is an extremely unflattering portrait of this Scientology celebrity couple.
Obviously, in the Tampa/St. Petersburg/Clearwater area, the rule of law simply does not apply to Denise Miscavige and Jerry Gentile.

These are the people the Clearwater Police Department shielded, it appears, in order to protect the Miscavige name from scandal.

The Gentiles’ involvement with Tom Brennan should have raised numerous questions. Why, for example, weren’t they pressed about the obvious lies they told regarding Tom Brennan and the night of February 16/17?
Denise at first lied about being Tom Brennan’s auditor; she lied about her relationship with Brennan; and she lied about her presence at the Brennan apartment. Jerry, too, at first lied about his wife’s presence that evening.

Particularly troubling as well is the fact that my son’s laptop computer ended up in the hands of Jerry Gentile. Why wasn’t Kyle’s computer taken into custody by the police?

My son Kyle deserved to have a fair and unbiased investigation. He deserved to have his day in court. Thanks to the defendants’ multitudinous lies—and thanks to the police report’s lies of omission—he got neither.

Excerpts from the Deposition of Officer Jonathan Yuen

Detective Jonathan Yuen, Police Report 001

I Can't Recall, Scientology Couple, Yuen, 001

Clearwater Police Officers, Names, Cleveland Street, Apt 001

Detective Jonathan Yuen, Death of Kyle Brennan, Scientology, 001

Scientology, Gentile, Miscavige, Death of Kyle Brennan, 001

Detective Jonathan Yuen, Clearwater Police, Death of Kyle 001

Detective Jonathan Yuen, Kyle Brennan, Scientology, 001

Detective Jonathan Yuen, Kyle Brennan, Death , Lies 001

Detective Jonathan Yuen, Clearwater Police, 001

Detective Jonathan Yuen, Clearwater Police, Lies of Omission, 001

Excerpts from the Deposition of S. Brennan

S. Brennan, Deposition, Bohling, Clearwater Police Report, 001

S. Brennan, Deposition, Bohling, Omission of lies 001

S. Brennan Deposition, Bohling, Clearwater, 001

S. Brennan, Deposition, Kyle's belongings 001

S. Brennan, Deposition, Clearwater Police Department, 001

S. Brennan, Deposition, Bohling, Clearwater Police Report 001

Officer Jonathan Yuen’s Clearwater Police Report Narrative

Detective Jonathan Yuen, Lies by Omission, 001

A sample of the careful narrative and abundance of detail within a Clearwater Police Report. When reading the report the negligence of the Clearwater police on the scene the evening Kyle died becomes glaringly obvious.

This is the html version of the file
Google automatically generates html versions of documents as we crawl the web.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

The Clearwater Police Report: Lies of Omission

 The simple truth about lies is that there are many different types. Some, such as bold-faced lies, are so outrageous that they’re obvious to all within earshot. Another category comprises lies that are not so obvious—they lie hidden among the reams of information we ingest daily. But though these lies are obscured from sight, they’re no less pernicious. These are lies of omission—lies that represent an intentional failure to “tell the whole truth” in a situation requiring complete disclosure. Lying by omission is particularly destructive, of course, in legal and criminal matters.

Are the members of the Clearwater, Florida, Police Department guilty of lying by omission? You be the judge.

Clearwater policeman Jonathan Yuen was one of the first officers on the scene the night my son Kyle died under very suspicious circumstances at the apartment of his biological father, Tom Brennan, on Friday, February 16, 2007. At the time, Officer Yuen had been with the department only eighteen months. He’d been hired right out of college. Despite this fact, however—and despite the fact that higher-ranking officers were present at the time—Yuen was placed in charge of the crime scene.
Normally, one would expect a rookie cop to follow police procedures by the manual. One would expect a young officer to try really hard, to be attentive to every last detail. In reading other Clearwater Police Reports, for example, you’ll find an amazing amount of detail. Crime scene details are extremely important. Even the tiniest bit of information, of course, can be the determining factor in a criminal investigation. People have been convicted because of tiny details. And, of course, people have walked away from criminal acts because of the lack of a tiny detail.

In the Clearwater Police Report regarding my son’s death, Officer Yuen’s one-page narrative of the events of February 16/17 is remarkable for its inattention to detail. Later, when Yuen was deposed by attorney Ken Dandar—the lawyer representing the Estate of Kyle Brennan—his brain fog surrounding the details of that evening is incredibly suspicious.

First the big lie of omission. In his contribution to the Clearwater Police Report, Yuen omitted the fact that present at Tom Brennan’s Cleveland Street apartment the evening of Kyle’s death were two important members of Scientology’s first family—the twin-sister and brother-in-law of the church’s worldwide leader, David Miscavige.
Denise Miscavige Gentile, David Miscavige’s twin-sister—whom Tom Brennan referred to as “Chaplain Denise”—was Brennan’s Scientology auditor, his spiritual advisor or spiritual counsellor. Her husband’s name is Gerald “Jerry” Gentile. In spite of the fact that they both at first lied about Denise being at the Cleveland Street apartment that night, during their depositions Denise and Jerry finally admitted that they were both there. Jerry Gentile stated that Denise waited outside near their parked vehicle. Denise claimed she didn’t go inside because she was wearing pajamas.
Amazingly, Yuen left them completely out of his narrative. When questioned later, under oath, about people arriving at the crime scene, Yuen responded: “I believe I advised a couple of people showed up.”

“What did they do?” asked attorney Dandar.

“Basically spoke with Thomas [Brennan] and gave him some counselling or, you know, support.”

In the first few months following my son’s death, it was believed that Gerald Gentile was Tom Brennan’s roommate at the Cleveland Street apartment. This was assumed as it seemed the logical explanation for Jerry Gentile’s early presence at Brennan’s place the night Kyle died. Information pertaining to Gentile’s early appearance at the Cleveland Street apartment was omitted from the police report. No information regarding Jerry, in fact, was provided by the Clearwater Police Department, either in the police report or in the first phone interview Kyle’s Virginia family had with Detective Stephen Bohling (who took over the case on Saturday, February17). Kyle’s older brother—wondering who the elusive “Jerry” was who called our home to tell us of Kyle’s death—asked Bohling about him. (Some of our questions, naturally, were things like: Why didn’t Tom Brennan call us? Why didn’t the police make this important call?) Bohling’s response to the question about Jerry’s identity? “Some Scientology guy.”
Denise Miscavige Gentile was simply referred to as “Chaplain Denise.”
Why were these two members of the Clearwater Police Department—Officer Jonathan Yuen and Detective Stephen Bohling—not forthcoming or truthful about the presence of the Gentiles at the Cleveland Street apartment that night? Why would they not identify these high-powered Scientologists? Were these members of the police department deliberately lying by omission in order to protect two individuals with extremely close ties to the very top leadership of the Scientology organization?

Attorney Ken Dandar deposed Officer Yuen on June, 11, 2010. Yuen’s deposition lasted just over one hour.

Officer Yuen stated during his deposition that he left the crime scene in the early morning hours of February 17, and had no further involvement in the investigation.

Then he was asked: “Did you ever discuss the matter with Detective Bohling?

Did he ever contact you?”

“No” responded Yuen.

(It’s important to note here that Detective Bohling never visited the crime scene. Never. So, in other words, Officer Yuen was in charge at the Cleveland Street apartment the night Kyle died—even though other officers present outranked him—and wrote the narrative of that night’s events. He then simply handed that in, and never again spoke of the matter with the police detective who took over the case. And that man—Detective Stephen Bohling—never went to the Cleveland Street apartment. Why the disconnect between Yuen and Detective Bohling? Was it done this way in order to insure Bohling’s future plausible deniability?)
During Officer Yuen’s brief deposition, he responded 28 times with either “I don’t recall” or “I don’t remember.” And it’s interesting that Officer Yuen’s memory deficit only occurred when he was questioned regarding fellow police officers, medical investigator Martha J. Scholl, or the presence of that mysterious “couple” who arrived at the crime scene during his “short-short” interview of Tom Brennan.

And amazingly, Yuen destroyed the notes he took during that interview.
Ken Dander asked him: “Did you take notes during the interview [of Tom Brennan]?”

“Yes, I did” responded Yuen.

“What do you take the notes on?” was the next question.

“I have a note pad that normally I document all my cases on,” was the answer.

“Do you save those?”

“No, I do not.”

Unfortunately, Officer Yuen, a college graduate, doesn’t really understand what the verb tense “to document” means.

What about these two members of Scientology’s first family—Denise Miscavige Gentile and her husband Jerry?

According to a Tampa Bay Times article written in the summer of 2013, the couple married in 2000. They lived in Maryland for two years, then moved back to Clearwater “where Flag Land Base, Scientology’s spiritual headquarters, dominates the downtown skyline.” It was then that Jerry joined the church. Denise at the time was working at a small Scientology mission in Bellair. He continued working his Maryland technology job, commuting back and forth every week.

That tech position, however, wasn’t Jerry and Denise’s only source of income. A police investigation revealed that Jerry Gentile was the owner of a notorious drug-selling establishment—or “drug house”—located in St. Petersburg, Florida. It comprised a house on 15th Street North, and three detached apartments next door in a duplex and a separate cottage.

According to the article, “drug sales at the Gentile property got so bad police raided it twice in 14 months, busting up a marijuana den and what police called a cocaine sales operation.” Following the first raid, the city contacted the Gentiles asking them to “curb the drug activity.” Nothing changed.

In fact, it appears the Gentiles had good reason not to improve the situation at their St. Petersburg pot house. According to tenants, it was Denise who’d stop by monthly for the rent or for money to cover the water, sewer, and trash bills. If cash wasn’t readily available—according to former tenant Roreco “Rico” Currie—Denise was happy to accept marijuana “blunts” instead. (Blunts are small cigars converted into fairly large marijuana cigarettes.) Currie, during this period, was distributing marijuana from the Gentile property. Denise had discovered this illicit activity but had decided to let Currie remain.
If that wasn’t enough, Currie eventually converted the cottage into an impromptu strip-club. Exotic dancers performed routines as onlookers tossed money onto the dingy floors. Admission was $10, more after midnight. Currie proudly claimed this business was “by appointment only.” He was arrested in October 2012 on several charges. He pleaded guilty and is currently serving a 38-month sentence. Denise Miscavige Gentile pleaded not guilty to the charges related to the activities at the Gentiles’ 15th Street North property. She denies receiving drugs in lieu of rent or bills.

The Tampa Bay Times piece is an extremely unflattering portrait of this Scientology celebrity couple.
Obviously, in the Tampa/St. Petersburg/Clearwater area, the rule of law simply does not apply to Denise Miscavige and Jerry Gentile. These are the people the Clearwater Police Department shielded, it appears, in order to protect the Miscavige name from scandal.

The Gentiles’ involvement with Tom Brennan should have raised numerous questions. Why, for example, weren’t they pressed about the obvious lies they told regarding Tom Brennan and the night of February 16/17? Denise at first lied about being Tom Brennan’s auditor; she lied about her relationship with Brennan; and she lied about her presence at the Brennan apartment. Jerry, too, at first lied about his wife’s presence that evening. Particularly troubling as well is the fact that my son’s laptop computer ended up in the hands of Jerry Gentile. Why wasn’t Kyle’s computer taken into custody by the police?

My son Kyle deserved to have a fair and unbiased investigation. He deserved to have his day in court. Thanks to the defendants’ multitudinous lies—and thanks to the police report’s lies of omission—he got neither.

Excerpts from the Deposition of Officer Jonathan Yuen

Detective Jonathan Yuen, Police Report 001

I Can't Recall, Scientology Couple, Yuen, 001

Clearwater Police Officers, Names, Cleveland Street, Apt 001

Detective Jonathan Yuen, Death of Kyle Brennan, Scientology, 001

Scientology, Gentile, Miscavige, Death of Kyle Brennan, 001

Detective Jonathan Yuen, Clearwater Police, Death of Kyle 001

Detective Jonathan Yuen, Kyle Brennan, Scientology, 001

Detective Jonathan Yuen, Kyle Brennan, Death , Lies 001

Detective Jonathan Yuen, Clearwater Police, 001

Detective Jonathan Yuen, Clearwater Police, Lies of Omission, 001

Excerpts from the Deposition of S. Brennan

S. Brennan, Deposition, Bohling, Clearwater Police Report, 001

S. Brennan, Deposition, Bohling, Omission of lies 001

S. Brennan Deposition, Bohling, Clearwater, 001

S. Brennan, Deposition, Kyle's belongings 001

S. Brennan, Deposition, Clearwater Police Department, 001

S. Brennan, Deposition, Bohling, Clearwater Police Report 001

Officer Jonathan Yuen’s Clearwater Police Report Narrative

Detective Jonathan Yuen, Lies by Omission, 001

A sample of the careful narrative and abundance of detail within a Clearwater Police Report. When reading the report the negligence of the Clearwater police on the scene the evening Kyle died becomes glaringly obvious.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Message to Tom Cruise from Ballina, Mayo, Ireland

The Truth for Kyle Brennan

My feelings about Tom Cruise and his involvement with the criminal Scientology cult and the sad death of Kyle Brennan, RIP
                                                      Kyle Brennan



Kyle Brennan Stories

                                            Kyle Brennan 1986-2007

Clearwater, August of 2006: Locked Out, Kyle Befriends a Trio of Unlikely Angels
When Kyle returned home to Charlottesville after his tumultuous visit to Clearwater, Florida, in August of 2006 he related the following: One evening in Clearwater, Kyle—who enjoyed a good cup of coffee—went out to a Starbucks. This particular shop is just down the block from the apartment Kyle’s father, Tom Brennan, had rented at 423 Cleveland Street.
Kyle said that when he returned, the apartment building’s outer door was locked. He tried to call his father who was inside at the time, but Brennan had turned off his cell phone. This meant, of course, that Kyle was locked out for the night.

Heading back towards the coffee shop, Kyle was approached by a disheveled man begging for money. Kyle gave him five dollars, and the man asked: “Are you one of those f---ing Scientologists?” Taken aback for just a split second, Kyle replied, “If I was, I wouldn't have been able to give you that five."  

During the conversation that followed, Kyle discovered that the man was a homeless veteran, and that he was living in a park not far from Cleveland Street. Kyle had a soft spot in his heart for veterans. Military personnel, and law enforcement officers, were Kyle’s heroes. Back home in Charlottesville, Kyle enjoyed attending military events. He loved hanging out with veterans, and would often draw them out so he could hear their stories.
Kyle and the old veteran, enjoying each other’s company, sat up against the building, under a flickering light. Two Clearwater police officers, spotting the unusual couple—an older man down on his luck, and a well-dressed 20-year-old—stopped and asked Kyle if he was OK. When Kyle told them about being locked out, the policemen tried to open the outer door. Finding it sealed tight, they told Kyle to stay close by as they would check up on him throughout the night while they were on duty. This promise they kept. The two officers—who Kyle later said were great guys—actually spent their break time that night chatting with Kyle. The homeless vet stayed out on the sidewalk with Kyle all night long. The two passed the time talking war stories.
Clearwater, August of 2006: Kyle Under Pressure to Join Scientology
In June of 2006 Kyle’s father, Tom Brennan, first learned that Kyle was seeing a psychiatrist in Charlottesville. Brennan was very unhappy about it, but I didn’t think much of it at the time as he was not directly involved in his son’s life.
Soon after this Kyle and I started receiving letters—and anti-psychiatry hate literature—from the Church of Scientology about the evils of psychiatry and psychotherapeutic drugs. I found these annoying, but I didn’t think much of it. At the time I regarded Scientology as a goofy, harmless organization.
In July of 2006, Tom Brennan convinced Kyle that he should come and stay with him in Florida at his apartment. He promised Kyle that he would take him to look at the Florida State and the University of South Florida campuses.
Kyle traveled to Florida the following month, arriving on August 15. Within three days he called me complaining that his father had duped him. Brennan at the time didn’t even have an apartment—he had lied to Kyle.
Instead, Brennan was living in Tampa, in what Kyle called a “Scientology flop-house.” Kyle said he felt uncomfortable being around Scientologists. They have their own vocabulary, he told me, and they were pressuring him to take a Scientology personality test—something he absolutely refused to do. 
Within a few days of this conversation Brennan and Kyle moved from Tampa into an apartment at 423 Cleveland Street in downtown Clearwater. This place is near the old Fort Harrison Hotel, Scientology’s main headquarters. Things seemed to be going a little better after their move from the flop-house.
Within a week I received another distressing call from Kyle. I could hear a lot of noise at the other end of the phone line, and I asked, "Kyle, are you on campus?"
“Hell no,” he responded, “I'm at a mall watching my father make an ass out of himself. He's chasing people down trying to sell them L. Ron Hubbard books.” (A third-rate science fiction writer, Hubbard founded Scientology in the 1950s.)
“Kyle,” I said, “you’re kidding about this, right?"
“Heck no, Mom,” came his answer. “ Please . . . tell me that I'm not sharing the same DNA with this dude.”
Kyle told me again that his father had duped him. Brennan, Kyle said, had no intention of taking him to look at colleges. Furthermore, according to Kyle, Brennan said that a college education was a waste of money, and that what he needed to improve his life was to get involved with Scientology.  
Kyle wanted no part of Scientology. Despite this, however, Tom Brennan and his Scientologist girlfriend, Wendy Jill Borden, had been placing a great deal of pressure on Kyle to take a personality test. (Borden was a staffer at the New York City Org—or Scientology “church”—in Clearwater for training. Borden and Brennan were introduced by their mutual friend Denise Miscavige Gentile, the twin sister of the organization’s head. The two married soon after Kyle returned to Charlottesville in September.)
At this point Kyle wanted to come home. He wanted to go back to school in Charlottesville, at Piedmont Virginia Community College, but the fall semester was already underway. He asked me if I would talk with his professors to see if he could start the semester late, as he did not want to waste any more time.
Kyle called again the following day. He was upset. The previous evening, everybody in the apartment—Kyle, Brennan, and Borden—had gotten into a huge argument. Kyle said they were pushing him to pay for a personality test, and they wanted him to take Scientology courses. They also told Kyle that his mother was “evil” for allowing him to see a psychiatrist. Kyle told me that the argument had been extremely heated. At one point, Kyle said, he told Brennan and his girlfriend what he really thought of Scientology—he thought it was ludicrous—and also how he felt about his father spending all of his money on it.
When Kyle returned home he said that he had overheard Borden tell his father he was now “an enemy of their church.”
Kyle returned home without telling his father he was leaving—he took a cab to the airport on September 7 and left without saying goodbye.

Kyle Brennan Visiting Bamberg, Germany
Kyle Brennan-April 2, 1986-February 16, 2007

In 2007 my forward-looking 20-year-old son, Kyle Brennan, died in Clearwater, Florida, under extremely suspicious circumstances while visiting his Scientologist father. (Clearwater, of course, is the site of Scientology’s headquarters.) We lost the subsequent wrongful-death lawsuit we filed against Kyle’s father, prominent Scientologists who were involved, and the Church of Scientology itself. Because of the legal expenses incurred, we’ve yet to purchase a proper headstone for our beloved son. Will you help us?

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                                              Kyle Brennan 1986-2007

  L.Ron Hubbard said “we would rather see you dead than incapable”     Scientologists are supposed to be effective not sympathetic.

                     Excerpt from the Deposition of Denise Miscavige Gentile

Excerpt from the Deposition of Tom Brennan



Friday, May 30, 2014

A Summary of the Lies and Deception

Kyle Brennan Blog photo scientology death - Copy - Copy

My son, Kyle T. Brennan—a twenty-year-old college student from Charlottesville—died under very suspicious circumstances in Clearwater, Florida, on February 16, 2007, while visiting his Scientologist father Thomas Brennan. Kyle was a bright and creative young man who suffered with mild depression and anxiety. He was prescribed Lexapro by his Charlottesville-based psychiatrist Dr. Stephen McNamara. Kyle died from a gunshot wound to the head. His medication was found locked in the trunk of his father’s vehicle.
During Kyle’s brief stay in Clearwater—site of Scientology’s headquarters—his father was under the supervision of what is known as a Scientology “auditor” or “chaplain.” This person was Denise Miscavige Gentile, the twin sister of the Church of Scientology’s leader, David Miscavige.
As you may be aware, Scientology is vehemently opposed to psychiatry and psychotropic medications. Kyle was not a Scientologist. We later learned that, due to Scientology’s convoluted beliefs regarding mental health, the church had issued an order to Kyle’s father to “handle” Kyle. He would be dead within thirty-six hours. Kyle was traveling with thousands of dollars. All of it was taken.

A wrongful-death lawsuit was filed against Thomas Brennan, Denise Miscavige Gentile and her husband Gerald Gentile, the Church of Scientology, and Flag (another Scientology organization). They filed a motion for summary judgment, and that was granted by a federal judge on December 6, 2011.

The police report written by Detective Stephen Bohling of the Clearwater Police Department is full of fabrications and half-truths. We want the investigation reopened. We want to know what really happened to Kyle on February 16, 2007.
Here are but a few of the red flags raised by Detective Bohling’s investigation and police report. (All of the following can be verified by statements made in the police report and in the available depositions.)

• Lies concerning contact with Kyle’s doctor and his diagnosis - Bohling and Medical Investigator Marti Scholl lied about contacting and consulting with Dr. Stephen McNamara, saying in the police report that: “The doctor confirmed that Kyle had been exhibiting early signs of schizophrenia to include paranoia and delusions and . . . advised that he was not aware of any major side effects if one was to suddenly stop taking Lexapro.” However: Dr. McNamara, under oath, stated that he had absolutely no contact with either Bohling or Scholl. “Perplexed and dumbfounded” by their statements, he said he was “bound by confidentiality” not to release “information about a patients treatment.” Under oath, he stated that “Kyle’s diagnosis was mild anxiety and depression,” and that there are major side effects from the sudden termination of taking Lexapro, especially for someone Kyle’s age.

• Lies and red flags concerning police procedures - Asked by Kyle’s family whether a gunshot residue test had been performed on his hands, Bohling answered “no.” Asked if the weapon that killed Kyle had been tested for fingerprints, Bohling answered “No, we never processed the weapon or the scene for fingerprints.” However: The police report revealed that Kyle’s hands and the weapon had been tested. The GSR test was withheld from further analysis by the detective. The weapon tested for fingerprints came back negative of fingerprints or ridge detail. Also: At Thomas Brennan’s apartment, where Kyle died, the bullet that killed Kyle was never found. (Neither was the box of ammunition.) With a missing bullet, no GSR test, and a weapon negative for fingerprints it cannot be determined who pulled the trigger on the weapon that killed my son, or if he was killed by the weapon found on the scene.

• Additional police red flags – Notes taken by the police have been destroyed. Officer Jonathan Yeun, one of the first to arrive at Brennan’s apartment that night, shredded the notes of his first interview with Brennan. Detective Bohling destroyed the notes of his first interview with Brennan. Marti Scholl, told to bring her notes to her deposition, said that she had forgotten to do so.

• Red flags concerning the cause of death – Kyle’s death was ruled a suicide. Medical Investigator Scholl told family members that she ruled his death a suicide because she was told that a suicide note was found with Kyle’s body. Detective Bohling, however, stated under oath that no suicide note was found. A reporter for the St. Petersburg Times, who presumably interviewed someone at the Clearwater police department, wrote that there were two suicide notes. Also: Kyle’s actions in the time just before his passing don’t sound to us like those of someone considering suicide. He made a bank deposit in Clearwater to make sure his checking account stayed open, and in the hours before his death he called several Clearwater-area personal injury lawyers.

• Brennan’s lies concerning the night of Kyle’s death – It was estimated that Kyle died at Brennan’s apartment at 11:00 p.m. The 911 call went out at 12:10. Detective Bohling was informed by family members that Brennan had told us different arrival times for that evening. We were first told that he arrived home at 10:30 p.m. after having dinner with friends. Brennan later changed the time and story, saying he arrived home between 11:15 and 11:20 after spending the day selling books at the State Fair. Of course if his first story is true, it places him in the apartment at the time of Kyle’s death. This would also increase the length of time before 911 was called. Which one of these stories is true? These multifarious stories, convoluted time-lines and lies went unchallenged by the detective. To top it off, Bohling wrote in the police report “Thomas Brennan returned home near midnight. . .”

• Lies told to protect Denise Miscavige Gentile – The Gentiles at first denied their relationship with Brennan, denied that Denise is a Scientology “chaplain,” and denied that Denise was Brennan’s “chaplain.” All of these statements were disproved: Scientology documents prove Denise’s status as a “chaplain,” and that she was indeed Brennan’s “chaplain”—meaning they had a very close relationship. Also: Denise at first denied that she went to Brennan’s apartment the night of Kyle’s death. Her husband, however, revealed that both had traveled to Brennan’s apartment.

• Other red flags concerning events the night Kyle died – As stated above, Bohling, in the police report, said that: “Thomas Brennan returned home near midnight. . .” However: On another page of the police report, Denise Miscavige Gentile—Brennan’s Scientology “chaplain”—said that: “Tom had, um, stopped by my house to borrow a book. It was around 11 … when he got home in like ten minutes, he called me up.” This places Brennan at his apartment, the location of Kyle’s death, at 11:10. Also: In Gerald Gentile’s deposition he said that after Brennan called his wife: “I quickly threw on a pair of pants … threw on my sneakers, and was in my pajamas. We just ran out the door and jumped in the car and ran down” [to Brennan’s apartment]. This statement places both the Gentile’s at Brennan’s apartment at 11:20 or maybe 11:30 p.m. Again, the 911 call went out at 12:10 a.m. What were these three individuals doing in Brennan’s apartment for the 30–40 minutes prior to someone finally calling 911?

These are but a few of the lies, half-truths, and contradictions easily found in the police report and depositions. Told about these things, Detective Bohling did nothing. My step-son’s right to a fair investigation has been denied by the Clearwater police. My family’s right to know exactly what happened to Kyle that night has also been denied. We believe something very different happened that evening, something different from the explanation found in the Clearwater police report. The false information written by the detective has been used in court documents by the attorney’s representing the Church of Scientology.

The death of my young son has been devastating enough-the aftermath has been horrific.

Excerpt from the deposition of Dr. Stephen McNamara

Dr. Stephen McNamara, Scientology, Pinellas County 001

Dr. Stephen McNamara tells the truth, Marti Scholl,Bohling 001for Blog

Excerpt from the deposition of Tom Brennan

Tom Brennan, Kyle's Medication, conversation with Victoria

Tom Brennan, medication, conversation with Victoria

Copy of Kyle’s Bank Statement

Bank Statement of Kyle Brennan, Scientology Handling 001

Copy of Kyle’s Phone Bill

The last phone calls ,Kyle Brennan and Scientology Handling 001

The Scientology handling of Kyle Brennan,Phone Calls 001

Copy of Scientology “SEC” Check

SEC Check for Kyle Brennan, The Church of Scientology, Handling 001

Excerpt from the Clearwater Police Report;Exchange between Attorney Lee Fugate and Detective Steve Bohling

Lee Fugate, Detective Bohling,Exchange,Death of Kyle Brennan 001

Excerpt from the deposition of Detective Steve Bohling

Detective Steve Bohling Deposition, Suicide note,not Kyle Brenna 001

Dr. Stephen McNamara

Dr. Stephen McNamara, The Scientology Handling of Kyle Brennan 001