Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The St.Petersburg Times--getting it wrong!

            A good reporter will try to get the “other side to the story.”

The entire content of Jonathan Abel’s article was based on narratives written by Detective Steve Bohling of the Clearwater Police Department.It was careless and slipshod for the journalist to publish the article without ever contacting Kyle’s family for a statement.

The use of the unsubstantiated information within the St. Petersburg Times article was instrumental in stripping the humanity from Kyle.

Police report found no Scientology role in suicide
By Jonathan Abel, Times Staff Writer

In Print: Wednesday, February 18, 2009

CLEARWATER — Police investigated the role Scientology played in the suicide of a troubled young man two years ago, but did not conclude church members forced him off his antidepressant medication or contributed to his death.
Last week, the mother of Kyle Brennan filed a wrongful death lawsuit against Scientology’s Clearwater-based Flag Service Organization and three Scientologists, claiming they took away Brennan’s medication. The suit names the boy’s father, Thomas Brennan, as a defendant; along with Denise Gentile, who is the twin sister of the church’s worldwide leader, David Miscavige; and her husband, Gerald.

Clearwater police on Tuesday released more than 200 pages of documents from the investigation of Brennan’s death. The reports don’t provide evidence of a key claim in the lawsuit: that Brennan was denied access to the antidepressant Lexapro.
Police instead learned that Brennan wasn’t taking the medication regularly. The only Lexapro pills police found were in a 30-pill bottle issued to him almost three months earlier. Sixteen pills remained.
The mother’s attorney, Ken Dandar, said Kyle was taking the medication as needed.

The young man’s own psychiatrist told police the prescription would have to be carried out on a regular basis. He was not aware of any “major side effects” from suddenly withdrawing from the medication.The drug’s Web site states that quickly coming off the drug can increase the risk of suicidal thoughts.

Excerpt from the Deposition of Dr. Stephen McNamara:

De. Stephen McNamara 001

KyleBrennanLexapro consumption 001

KyleBrennanLexapro consumption 001

Refuting Detective Steve Bohling and medical investigator Marti Scholl–Dr.Stephen McNamara tells the truth.

Dr Stephen McNamara Detective Steve Bohling Kyle Brennan Medicat 001

Dr Stephen McNamara Refuting  Detective Steve Bohling 001

MCNamara Kyle Brennan death withholding of medication page 202 001

Scientologists do not approve of psychiatric medication because they believe it to be mind-altering.
The lawsuit claims that Thomas Brennan took away the medication from his son at the behest of Denise Gentile.

It also alleges that one or more of the defendants provided Kyle access to a loaded .357 Magnum.

Brennan Deposition Kyle Brennan left with loaded weapon 001

Brennan Excerpt from depo Weapon Kyle Brennan 001

Detective Steve Bohling Weapon information Kyle Brennan 001

Thomas Brennan told police he didn’t approve of psychiatric medication because it clashed with his religious beliefs. But he said Kyle agreed to go off the medication because he didn’t like taking it either — a claim that Kyle’s mother and her attorney reject.
Officer Jonathan Yuen Kyle Brennan Medication 001

Excerpt from Deposition of Tom Brennan

Brennan Deposition Medication Kyle Brennan 001

Brennan said the handgun was kept in a bag in the bedroom night table. He said he never told his son about the weapon.
Excerpt from Deposition of Tom Brennan

Brennan weapon info scan 001

Brennan Excerpt from depo Weapon Kyle Brennan 001

Detective Steve Bohling Weapon information Kyle Brennan 001

Kyle Brennan used the gun to shoot himself on Feb. 16, 2007. He left two suicide notes that claimed people had failed him.
Deposition of Detective Steve Bohling

Detective Steve Bohling Excerpt from deposition 001

Prior to his death, Kyle Brennan, who had depression, anxiety and early signs of schizophrenia, lived in Virginia with his mother. In late 2006, he took $8,000 from his bank account and left on a cross-country trip.

Dr. Stephen McNamara Kyle Brennan Diagnosis 001

On Jan. 7, 2007, his mother received a call from an FBI agent in Des Moines, Iowa, who said Kyle Brennan had stopped by and claimed he was being followed and “they were after him,” the agent said. He wasn’t eating and appeared emaciated.

This statement is a lie.In the conversation that Victoria Britton had with the FBI agent he never said that Kyle claimed that “they were after him” or that he “wasn’t eating and appeared emaciated.” 
Kyle turned up in San Diego at his aunt’s home, according to the report. He told her that “they were hunting him down.” The aunt tried to get him to seek mental help, but he left.

Tom Brennan gives a different version 
Deposition of Tom Brennan
Excerpt from Brennan Deposition Conversation with Carrie Brennan 001

carrie scan mental health blog 001

Carrie info scan 2 001

Kyle contacted his father, who agreed to bring him to Clearwater.Thomas Brennan lived in an apartment at 423 Cleveland St. that a Scientology spokesman said is not owned by the church. But the building is in the midst of the church’s campus of buildings in downtown Clearwater. It’s a block from the church headquarters at the Fort Harrison Hotel and a half-block from other Scientology facilities such as the Coachman and Clearwater Bank buildings, which are used for religious training, church offices and a staff cafeteria.
Thomas Brennan worked as a handyman on Denise and Gerald Gentile’s properties in the area and became a friend of Denise’s. In 2005 and 2006, he also worked as a staff member for the Church of Scientology in Tampa, according to church spokesman Tommy Davis.
On Monday, Davis had said that none of the three defendants was employed by the church.

Abel st pete  times 001

The lawsuit claims that Denise Gentile was acting in her function as a “chaplain” when she interfered with Kyle Brennan’s prescriptions.But Davis denies that Denise Gentile is a church employee.

denise is a auditor 001

Denise Gentile admitted to police that she spoke very briefly with Kyle’s mother about getting the young man drug treatment, but she said that was in her capacity as a friend — not as a representative of the church.

Denise Miscavige Narconon Information 001

Denise Miscavige Narconon Kyle Brennan 001

Denise Miscavige Kyle Brennan Narconon 001

Denise Miscavige Gentile: Much more than a representative

Attorney Alvarez priest penitent Denise Miscavige001

Quote from Bohling’s interview with Denise Miscavige Gentile.

Detective Steve Bohling Denise Miscavige special treatment 001

Ken Dandar email response to article in St. Petersburg Times 001

1 comment:

Athanasius Kircher said...

I don't think there is another victim of Scientology in the last twenty who has been so thoroughly abused by Scientology and the media as the utterly innocent Kyle Brennan.

It is an open question whether Kyle's death was suicide or murder.

In either case Scientology and Scientologists in my opinion are directly responsible.

They attacked him for nine months simply because he was a mildly depressed college student.

It was not enough for them to cause his death. They then robbed him after his death and defamed him to cover up their taking of his life.

I dispute that Kyle was ever a "deeply disturbed young man" as Detective Stephen Bohling, the St. Petersburg Times, and Judge Stephen Merryday have repeated endlessly.

Kyle was never anything more than a college student with mild depression from the moment he was diagnosed in January 2006 until his death a year later.

He was not unusual. There a millions of sophomores in college who suffer from mild depression.

With therapy and medication Kyle functioned well up to the summer of 2006 when his father and other Scientologists launched a vicious attack on him, his psychiatrist, and his mother accusing them of trying to murder him.

Even after this despicable attack Kyle continued to function normally at work and school and within his family.

After the attack Kyle was faced with the challenge of restoring his ability to trust mental health professionals and his family.

He left home in late November and dedicated a month of traveling to visit schools to do just that, and he succeeded.

He was distressed and anguished by the attack launched on him in the summer by Scientology as any young person would be by such savage behavior of a parent.

He was in no sense "a deeply disturbed young man."

He was a hero who fought Scientology at the risk of his life.

He laid down his life to put an end to the evils of Scientology that thinks absolutely nothing about killing young people.