Friday, December 6, 2013

A Tangled Web (Part IV),More Computer Complications

Amazingly, Kyle Brennan’s computer was accessed within but a few hours of his death—in the early morning hours of Saturday, February 17, 2007. Who would do this? What was the purpose? Any reasonable person would refer to this fact—this act—as very suspicious. Even more suspiciously, Kyle’s PC was not removed from the crime scene by the police as evidence, but was taken instead to the home of Gerald and Denise Miscavige Gentile (two of the defendants in the wrongful-death lawsuit that ensued). And, of course—just like everything in this tangled story—there are multiple versions of how, and by whom, the computer was handed over to these powerful Scientologists.

Clearwater Police Detective Stephen Bohling, the lead investigator in the case, learned about Kyle’s computer being accessed soon after Kyle’s demise-three weeks after the tragedy—on March 6, 2007. Did he think that this acknowledged activity was in any way suspicious? Did Bohling rush to interview the Scientogist who had taken possession of what should have been in police custody all along?

Let’s look at what happened next:Over the course of the next 16 months, Kyle’s PC traveled a circuitous route. Tom Brennan got the computer back from the Gentiles and mailed it, along with several boxes of Kyle’s possessions, to Kyle’s family in Virginia in the final days of February 2007. Under the advisement of Attorney Luke Lirot, legal representative for the estate of Kyle Brennan, the computer was next shipped back to Florida, to the Clearwater Police Department.

It arrived on September 13 of that year. According to Detective Bohling it was delivered to the Tampa office of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) on the very same day. Sometime over the following 41 days, FDLE Special Agent Barbara Mendez alalyzed Kyle’s computer.

On October 24, 2007, at 14:30 hours, Detective Bohling took custody of Kyle’s computer from the FDLE Evidence Section.

On July 13, 2008—over eight months after taking possession of the computer, and almost one and half years after Kyle’s death—Detective Bohling conducted the first interview with Gerald Gentile. By this time the Scientologists have had ample opportunity to speak with—and strategize with—their Scientology-hired lawyers.

In the police interview Gentile stated that he didn’t really know Tom Brennan, Kyle’s father, all that well. Gentile described Tom Brennan as an acquaintance, someone who’d come over to his home once for Thanksgiving—to bake a pie—and once for Christmas. Gentile claimed he’d never really had a conversation with Tom Brennan. He said he knew Brennan through his wife, and that “[Brennan] works as a handyman for a couple of my rental properties that I own in Pinellas County.” Gentile further stated that he’d never heard of Kyle before his death—he said he didn’t even know Brennan had a son.

During the interview, too, Gentile told Bohling matter-of-factly that he had hard copies “of everything that was on [Kyle’s] computer,” everything including bank statements, photos, and personal notes. Why did Gentile have a folder containing personal and sensitive information belonging to a dead boy that he did not even know? Why had he saved—for a year and a half—print-outs from computer files belonging to the son of a mere acquaintance? What would compel him to save this information?

What follows next is very illuminating. Detective Bohling—instead of questioning Gentile about the oddity of having in his possession some of Kyle’s personal effects—asked Gentile politely if he would mind if he, Bohling, made copies. Bohling said he might need these copies later.

Who had the upper hand in this interview? Who was in control, the Scientologist in possession of personal items belonging to a dead boy he’d never met—the son of someone who was merely an acquaintance—or the groveling police detective who had to ask permission to make copies of files that should have been in his possession from the get go?
Clearwater Police Report Narrative written by Detective Stephen Bohling.

Detective Stephen Bohling, Clearwater,FDLE, Barbara Mendez, 001

Gerald Gentile’s July 2008, interview.

Gerald Gentile Police Interview ,July2008, Steve Bohling, 001

Lyle’s (?)

Gerald Gentile  Police Interview Detective Stephen Bohling, Kyle 001

Gerald Gentile Police Interview,Death of Kyle Brennan,

Gerald Gentile describes his relationship with Brennan.

Clearwater Police Report

Gerald Gentile's relationship with Tom Brennan, Bohling Steve, 001

Gerald Gentile's relationship with Tom Brennan, Stephen Bohling, 001

Gerald Gentile Police Interview, Stephen Bohling, CWPD, 001

Who’s in Charge?

Gerald Gentile, Police Investigation, Death of Kyle Brennan, 001

Excerpt of of Gentile interview with Detective Bohling

Gerald Gentile Police Interview, Detective Stephen Bohling, 001

Detective Bohling guiding Gerald Gentile-lining up the lies!

Gerald Gentile, Stephen Bohling,Death of Kyle Brennan, Scientology, 001

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